Our team with you to help develope goal-directed solutions to your problems. We are delighted to discuss the background of your problem, help you define the tasks necessary to address your requirements, discuss the solution pathway, and supply the needed microscope and cameras.

Metalurgical microscopes are used in the metals industry and in other types of materials research and quality control. It used to be that only metallurgical microscopes were used only for metals but with the explosion in materials research they have found a home in many other labs. The metallurgical microscope is usually inverted and equipped with reflected light only.

Biological microscopes and fluorescence microscope are used by hospital, medical laboratories, schools and universities; For life science research, disease doagnosis, water quality observing and environment protection etc..

Video microsocpe are usually used for quality checking in industrial. Factories who produce electronic products such as mobile need large quantity of microscope for quality checking(PCBs, connectors, screens, etc..).

Our clients of research insititution